(317) 809-7133
 I’ve always been fascinated with the wedding industry.  Planning your special wedding day takes a lot of work, energy, and management of time and small details.  I absolutely loved having a wedding planner for my own wedding and I have always admired wedding planners and every little detail that they pay attention to and execute.

I had the pleasure of talking with one of the Lead Coordinators for Jessica Dum Wedding Coordination, Kendra Mills for “Working Women Wednesday.”


Kendra is one of my dear friends, a wife and working Mom to two children and inspires and helps so many other people in the Indianapolis community.  She makes the whole work-life balance thing look easy, even though it definitely is not!  

Kendra Mills, Lead Coordinator
Kendra Mills, Lead Coordinator

Q: What inspired you to start working in the wedding industry?

In college I switched my major a few times starting with Event Planning, to Interior Design, and finally graduated with a Business Management degree. After planning my own wedding I thought, “Wow, that was really fun and I’m actually pretty good at this!” I was working full time for a medical device company, just had my first baby, and my sister in law sent me a job posting for a Lead Coordinator at Jessica Dum Wedding Coordination. Everything just clicked! I realized that I could utilize all aspects my background and education doing something I had fun with and was passionate about. 

Q:  What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as a working Mom?

MOM GUILT. Every mom knows what I’m talking about! When working full-time I feel bad for not being with my children more. When working part-time I feel guilty for not being a more integral part of my work team as well as not providing more for my family. It’s a challenge! I really feel like the only thing that’s helped me overcome this guilt is time and experience. I feel much more comfortable and secure in myself and my roles the older I get. Oh, and a supportive hubby 🙂


Q: What excites you the most about your business?

This ones tough! I’ve always been a quintessential “girly girl” so I love all the pretty things and details! To be honest though, the most exciting parts for me are the timeline and execution of the day. I am very type-A. I’m rigidly organized (to a fault depending on who you’re asking!) and always aware of the “status” of hitting my marks. After a wedding it takes me a long time to unwind because I am ON during the day, but I love it! The most gratifying part of my job though is definitely the look on the couple’s faces as they recess down the aisle after their ceremony. There’s nothing like it, pure joy!

Q:  Do you have any advice on how to juggle your work and your children?

Just to find your own individual balance, which will likely look different than your best friend’s, or your neighbor’s, or whoever! Before becoming a mom I thought that there was some sort of rule book to follow (which I would have loved because remember, I’m type-A! Haha) but the longer I’m in this mom game I have definitely realized that everybody’s situation and needs are different. What’s right for you won’t be right for somebody else, and vice versa!


Q:  Who are the people that use your services?

My clients are people who have a good handle on planning their day and are fully interested in and capable of making the decisions about their day, but seek professional assistance as a guide leading up to their wedding as well as someone who will execute and manage all the details, vendors, and timeline the day of. At JDWC we really serve as a partner in the planning process so that the wedding day is as smooth  and enjoyable as possible so that everyone can focus on the things that matter most!

Q:  What are your most commonly used services?

At Jessica Dum Wedding Coordination we offer two customizable wedding packages. These packages include a number of consultations leading up the the wedding day, creation of a wedding day timeline, communication with vendors, rehearsal management, ceremony set-up and management, and reception set-up and management. We also have a list of other services our clients can add on a La Carte depending on their needs. 

Q: What is your best advice for a soon-to-be bride?

SOAK IT UP. So much time and heart has gone in to this one day, if you don’t make sure that you take a moment with your spouse and look around and take it in, you’ll miss it! Never again will you have all your people in one space celebrating your lives and your love. The magic really is tangible.