Healthy Happies is my favorite place to go when I am in need of a quick and healthy meal replacement. Their shakes and energy bombs give me the fuel I need to get through my day and recover after a hard workout. They leave me feeling full, satisfied and energized to live a healthy lean life!
I had the pleasure of partnering with Healthy Happies and talking with the owner, Jessica Hall. She’s a brand new Mom to baby #3 and rocking it as a business owner with her husband.

Q: What inspired you to start your business?

Adam and I have always wanted to be business owners, we just weren’t sure where to start. We started living a healthier lifestyle and were presented with an opportunity to open a nutrition club. We love the fact that we are bringing a healthy option into the community that tastes amazing! After having children we realized how important our health is and how it can affect them. With that being said, having a business that is focused on health is simply a great environment for them to grow up in.

Q:  What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced as a business owner?

The biggest challenge we have faced as business owners is basically learning everything it takes to be a business owner. It may sound cliche but there is a lot that goes into a business that many people don’t even realize!


Q: What excites you the most about your business?

I am most excited about continuing to meet new people through this business. This community has been so warm and welcoming and we have already been able to make some friendships with customers coming in. I also truly enjoy someone tasting a shake for the first time and absolutely loving it.

Q:  Do you have any advice on how to juggle your work and your children?

The best advice I have for juggling owning a business and taking care of children would be to give yourself and your children absorbent amounts of grace! The best way to help me through my days is to have a planner and schedule my day out the night before. Sometimes things will come up and my schedule will change but I strive for days that look somewhat consistent.  That even means to plan out what times during the day that we put our phones and laptops down and spend uninterrupted time with our children.

Q:  What is your favorite product that you sell?

My favorite product is definitely our meal replacement shakes. The taste is so good without the protein, gritty flavor. Drinking our shakes has helped me lose 25 pounds and is so easy to have as a meal while running around with the kids or working!

Q:  Why is health important to you?

Being healthy is so important to me, in all ways, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  It is so important to me because when I am healthy I am giving my husband, my children, my customers and the world the best version of myself. I want to be able to teach this to my children so they can do the same.